Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Our water comes  from the glacial depths of  Lake Cayuga,
in upstate New York.
We found a phenomenal distiller near us to make the super smooth taste we were looking for.  They use wheat to make clear spirits, though let me say our brand is gluten free.

Here's the story:  Farmers in  New York had two years of rainy weather at wheat harvest time.  As a result of this rain and the inability to harvest the wheat in the rainy weather, the wheat started to grow while still in the field.  While this sprouting may not seem to be a problem for people in the distilling for malt beverage business it is a disaster for the flour and baking business.  The natural malting of the wheat begins the process of converting the starch to sugar.  Malt is a wonderful thing for the distiller or brewer but as a flour mill owner and farmer it was something that caused serious problems.  After much thought the conclusion was reached that it was hopeless to try and change our wet climate. What was decided is that if you get lemons make lemonade.  Thus began the journey toward making alcohol.  

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