Monday, May 27, 2013


We are now at the stage where we are ready to raise the money to launch our brand.  This coming week we'll be assembling Investor Packets, which contain our Business Plan, its Executive Summary, our financials (Start Up Expenses and Projected Sales) as well as a term sheet describing the investment.

We are looking for investors to contribute $10,000 for 1% of the equity in Three Meadows.  If an investor wants to be involved we would be thrilled.  We'd like them to host parties, to help create cocktail recipes, take photographs etc -- whatever interests them and will help Three Meadows.

As a friend remarked, it is like investing in a Broadway play -- the odds of success are against you, but if it is a success you will make a ton of money, and in any case you'll have a lot of fun along the way!

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