Tuesday, May 28, 2013


For the past year, I've been reading everything I can about the spirits business and launching a new brand.  There is a lot out there!  Probably the best book is the story of how 42 Below Vodka was launched.

42 Below is a New Zealand vodka, and the founders' journey is not only informative, but as the title hints, very entertaining.  Their book is partly why I started this blog -- maybe someone can learn from what we are doing as well.

Another great book, though now out of print, is  The Business of Spirits, which is a good overview.  And one of the very first websites I looked at:  Start a Successful Liquor Brand.  Finally, I've haunted the American Distilling Institute's forums, which are a treasure trove of information.  Of course, I've read and researched a ton more, but all these sources are really good places to start.

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