Tuesday, March 18, 2014

We've hired a designer

We went through quite a process, interviewing local designers, internationally famous design firms, a firm who's business is creating and designing new alcohol brands and packaging . . . and after great deliberation decided to go with Alexander Isley and his team.

The Isley Manifesto

If you read even a third of the way down, you will not be surprised to learn that he was the art director for the late lamented  Spy Magazine.  He is the funniest person we've met in this vodka journey.

So he is really impressive and has a really impressive client list

But we are taking a little risk.  We know he and his team are amazing designers, but they haven't done a vodka brand before.  We think this will pay off, as we want to think outside the box, be different than every other vodka brand out there.  

We'll be getting started on the design in about a month's time -- we have to finalize the wording on the label first, and that's a matter for the TTB.

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