Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Example 2: SkinnyGirl Margaritas

Skinnygirl was formed in 2009 by Bethenny Frankel and her partner David Kanbar.  After 12 months of development, the premixed margarita was released on the East Coast in 2010.  By that summer, the company could not keep up with demand and the first production run was sold out.  Having sold 100,000 cases the first year, Frankel and Kanbar sold the brand to Beam, Inc. for $120 million in 2011. since then, Skinnygirl's sales have grown by 486%.

With Skinnygirl's success, other "light" or reduced calorie drinks have been launched.  With a tag line of "Stay Sexy", Voli Light Vodka is one.

Voli is aimed at women, but how is that image above any different than marketing to men?  Marketers know women are a large segment and are trying to reach them . . . but seldom do they get it right.  Next time I'll write about the campaigns I've found that are directed to women and you'll see what I mean.

Sources: "Skinnygirl Margarita Deal Shows Women's Buying Power," The Los Angeles Times, March 30, 2011;  "How Bethenny Frankel Used Her Reality Show to Make $120 Million," The Hollywood Reporter, April 21, 2011.

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