Saturday, June 15, 2013

Due Diligence

The wheat for our vodka is grown right next door

As you might imagine, I've been talking about our vodka brand with friends.  One man I recently spoke with told me of his experience with a new vodka brand.  He was hired by someone who wanted to launch a Polish vodka in the US.  My friend was sent to Poland, to check out the distillery.  What he found was a factory -- half devoted to vodka distilling and half to producing diesel fuel.  Apparently there was cross contamination and sometimes the vodka had a distinctly diesel flavor.  Moral of his story:  always do your due diligence.

And so we have.  We've seen these views with our very eyes and know our distiller produces superior vodka from local grains, grains grown, in fact, right next to the distillery.  No diesel fuel in sight.

Distillery shadow on their wheat field

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