Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Million Balls In The Air

Or so it seems!

I'm not writing much as we are so busy nailing down all aspects of production, from the label printer, to the bottle printer, to the cork, the capsule, etc.  We've got the bottle and the booze and our special proprietary blend of botanicals sorted, though, and are also very hard at work on a website.  We're pursuing several avenues for distribution.  We've already been invited to our first event which is a perfect fit for us . . . so the blog's been taking a bit of a back seat for the moment.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Tasting Serge's cocktails

Serge has created two cocktail recipes just for us!  He ran them by me at his restaurant, Serevan.  They are incredibly good, which, of course, is no surprise.  The pink one is watermelon based, with mint and St. Germain, and the other one has pear puree, cardamom, lemon juice, saffron and fresh herbs.  The receipes are going on our hang tag, and I will absolutely post them here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Box to distributor

OK, so this looks like nothing, but actually, it is big.

The box contains the mock ups we had done. They are going to the largest distributor in the US, to get a senior executive's perspective and advice He's seen our written materials  and been encouraging; now it is time for them to see our actual product.