Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Booze Map of The World

One of our investors passed this news story along:  a map of the world with each country's favorite liquor.

The news story continues:
Although more than half the world prefers whiskey to any other spirit, most Americans belly up to the bar and pick vodka. 
It’s possible that vodka drinkers are smarter than our bourbon-loving staffers. Even the worst vodka apparently causes you less horrible hangovers than expensive bourbon.

34% of all spirits consumed in the US is vodka; the next closest is rum, at 13%, followed by whiskey at 10%

Monday, January 27, 2014

Starting our Design Search

We are just starting!  We've begun contacting designers, both big, international firms specializing in liquor bottle labeling, and smaller local graphic designers.  Here's the work of some we've spoken with:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Formula Approval

The first step in the (somewhat) long regulatory process is to get formula approval.  We've just set that in motion, and with any luck it will take about a month.  After that, we submit our label for approval, which is why we've begun working on picking a designer.  Exciting stuff!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

And more research

Had a fantastic conversation recently with a powerful woman who used to work in the magazine industry at a very high level, and who now haunts corporate boardrooms.

Her advice was not alcohol-centered, but customer-centered:  every time we "touch" a customer, we have to make it count.  We have to give them a way to buy our product.  Luckily we already know how we'll be selling online so that key piece is figured out.

She was enthusiastic about our idea, and the emotional pull of our brand (which has not been revealed here).  She says she loves the intelligence of Three Meadows, the story and the way it has been developed, and she loves the blog -- yay!

So now we need to start getting some product out there!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Pretty Unbelievable

There are very few -- almost none -- liquor brands or companies headed by women.  I am on a liquor industry message board, and here's one response I got when I introduced myself and explained what we were doing.

Like our idea, or not, I'm amazed that the writer would make the leap to suggesting I make a sex tape.  Although, being in my fifties, if I thought it would help our brand . . . . nah . . .

(If you have a hard time reading it, click on the screenshot and it will enlarge for your reading pleasure).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014