Friday, October 25, 2013

Why not a farm distillery?

moonrise over the farm
After all, we have a farm.

We did seriously consider starting one, but decided against it in the end for a few reasons.  One, the capital needed to start a farm distillery would run in the millions.  The best equipment comes from Germany, is made from copper ($$$), you have to convert barns or build new, and you have to hire a distiller. Plus do all the things we are doing: branding, marketing, website, graphic design etc.

Which brings us to the second reason we decided against it:  we don't have the expertise.  Distilling is not something one lightly picks up -- people get university degrees in distilling, after taking chemistry courses etc.  If you don't do it right, you can poison people!  So since we didn't have the knowledge, we realized we'd have to hire someone who did, and that wouldn't be easy.

An even bigger reason we decided against it is the fact that NY State just loosened its laws to allow farm distilleries to start up easily.  The number of farm distilleries has gone up 211% in the past three years.  They are popping up like mushrooms!  We believe that the competition is going to be intense, (erm, not that starting another vodka brand isn't!) and that in the next five years we'll be seeing a bunch of distillery closings.

same moon, different barn

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Advice From An Investor

I had tea recently with an angel investor, and got some really good advice. Here's some of it:

-you can have too much money.  The biggest mistake she's seen startups make is to waste money on things like nice office space, equipment etc.  Do it with bubblegum and inspiration!

- debt is better than equity when going for more money later on.  Don't give away more of the company.

- the unexpected need for money is what often sinks startups.  Plan for how we will finance the large order that comes through.

- execution is key.  There are plenty of good ideas, but it is the people doing the work that makes or breaks a startup.  You have to have both a good idea, and good people.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Our First Investor Get Together

Is this weekend.  We'll have a tasting, pitting our vodka against Premium vodkas already on the market, have some food, and distribute the legal papers for the investment.  The first of many fun times!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

If you are thinking of starting your own alcohol brand

Read this book!

It is a little dated but essential reading to understand the industry and how brands work.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Our first two cases are in production!

(no this isn't really our vodka on the production line!)

We've got plans for them -- tastings for anyone interested in learning more about our vodka and our company!  So calling anyone keen on learning more, and having a taste of the BEST VODKA EVER -- you are invited to a tasting at my house.  Seriously, get in touch :-).

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The branding work continues

Besides Tom's wealth of experience doing branding work (for Stolichnaya and Bacardi, among others) we are so, so lucky to work with Rachel Bellow of Frequency 540.  Rachel is an old friend, who happens to be a co-founder of Frequency 540 among many other impressive things.  Check out some of her ventures here.

I love her firm's approach:
It is created.
We begin by studying behavioral analytics to see what
people are passionate about – and why.
We identify true brand purpose – how your brand is viewed
today and why it matters to the world.
We create content and experiences that position your
product at the point where passions and purpose align.
Alignment is kinetic. It’s constantly evolving.
Optimization and agility are key.
Some call our proprietary methodology, The Alignment
quite visionary. (Thank you.)
Because where visionaries go, prosperity follows.
The above is from their website.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Trademark success!

Just got the official notice that our application for Three Meadows Spirits was successful.  Yay!  We are officially protected now.  (And can use the "R" in the circle symbol, above)

I do have to say the application for the vodka name was sent back as being "descriptive".  We may or may not keep the name; if we do, I know if we register the logo, or the name exactly as it appears on our label, we should be able to get trademark protection in that way.