Monday, March 30, 2015

The UPC Code

So, we need one.

This is more complicated than it looks.

However, after about 2 weeks of angst, Three Meadows Spirits now has one!  It did take speaking with a customer service representative as the website is, erm, USELESS and puzzling over the various documents just served to drive me batty.  However, it is done.  Hurrah.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Mock ups

We are getting really close to being able to show you the bottles, but not quite yet.  However, while we nail down the actual production of 6,000 bottles of our vodka, we've had a couple of bottles mocked up so we can show people what they really, and accurately, will look like.  They're looking good!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

We've been approved!

Another huge milestone has been passed -- our label has been approved by the TTB!  Yay hurray!

Now we turn to nailing down the nuts and bolts of production -- we couldn't get quotes on label printing, for example, until we knew what the label would be.  So far we've firmed up our bottle supplier and should have label quotes within a week or two.  We are also getting closure quotes, and bottle decorating quotes as some of the label is printed directly onto the bottle.  I hope we'll have that information within a couple of weeks, and then we can start placing orders.