Tuesday, February 10, 2015

While it is wintry outside, we are working away

Things are quieter as we are still awaiting word from the TTB.  However, we continue to refine the label and bottle.  Alex Isley justified his world class reputation by doing mock ups of our bottles and putting them on actual store shelves to see what pops more.  We considered, though ultimately rejected, changing the text color from black to white.  On the shelf, the white pops more, but parts were harder to read up close and the black looked more elegant.

We also made contact with a bottle supplier, and have slightly changed the bottle.  it is a little slimmer, and very elegant.  (It is also available in relatively small quantities, is made near our distiller, and can be had at any time).

We are thinking about our website, and about distribution.  Serge is going to get busy designing our cocktails after he gets through the Valentine's Day rush.